
Hopp App MVP

For our final project of Reykjavik University, we created the first version of the mobile app for Hopp.

Hardware connection

The project

We decided to do our final project from Reykjavik University with a few colleagues to work on a project for Aranja. They had ideas of establishing an electric bike rental in Iceland as it had become popular abroad. We were very interested in it and ended up building the first version of the Hopp app.
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The first Hopp QR code ever 😎

The product

We ended up not only developing the app but also integrating the first prototype of Hopp bikes with the software, allowing users to rent bikes through the app, as is done today. Unfortunately, we didn't manage to get the design of the app done within the timeframe we worked on this project, so the app looks quite different from what it does today. All-in-all, it was a truly enjoyable and educational process.
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We are a small team of experienced developers, located in Iceland, who love creating high quality things. Whether it's specialized software, custom websites, mobile apps, web services, operations, hosting or consulting; We do it all.
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