


TVÍK is an innovative digital platform for learning Icelandic, for which we developed a specialized Content Management System that enables their team to manage engaging language lessons.

Web app

The Project

TVÍK is an innovative digital language learning platform specifically designed to teach Icelandic through the unique perspective of non-native speakers who have successfully mastered the language. What makes it special is its engaging three-month digital course that guides learners through everyday scenarios like parties and road trips, moving them from basic phrases to natural conversations. After securing backing from Rannís through the Technology Development Fund with a Sproti grant, TVÍK partnered with us. The main focus of this collaboration was developing a Content Management System designed specifically for language learning. The CMS allows TVÍK's team to create, organize, and modify their lesson content without technical assistance. They can structure different types of lesson blocks - from vocabulary drills to interactive conversations - and easily update content based on student feedback. This flexibility means they can continuously improve their teaching materials and add new features as their platform evolves.
TVÍK Content Editor
Það er ótrúlega gott að vinna með ykkur. Þið eruð algjörir snillingar í UX-inu og öllu saman. Þið náðuð strax hvað ég var að fara þegar ég talaði við ykkur. Það er svo gaman að sjá hversu hratt þið vinnið og gerið allt svo flott í leiðinni. Ég kann svo mikið að meta hvernig þetta er allt uppsett og hversu mikil vinna hefur farið í smáatriðin. Þetta er rosalega vel gert hjá ykkur. Takk kærlega fyrir það.
Gamithra Marga
Founder of TVÍK

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